If you have a fairly healthy body today you have much to thank God for. Good health is a wonderful blessing to enjoy. But, suppose you were to break an ankle; your hands and arms would try to help your body by supporting your crutches. But your body would not get on nearly as well as it would if every part was healthy and working.
There is a “body” whose health and well-being you could possibly affect, and it is not your own body! It is a “body” having millions of parts - each part is an individual person!
This body is the true Christian Church; which God calls “the Body of Christ.” (Ephesians 5:29-30. 1stCorinthians 12:27)
It is important to realise that not everyone is a member of this “body”. True members are people who respond in obedience to the “Head” of the body, who is of course the LORD JESUS CHRIST. (Colossians 1:18. Ephesians 2:19-22. 1stCorinthians 12:3-14.) They want to know what God has said in His Word, the Holy Bible, and are eager to obey it. (John 14:15. Matthew 7:21-27.)
But, some Greek-speaking Jews who had become part of the Christian Church by putting their faith in Jesus, (Ephesians 2:1-10. Romans 1:16. 10:9-13.) had a complaint about how food was being distributed. (verse 1.)
The apostles did not want “to neglect the ministry of the Word of God in order to wait on tables.” (verse 2.) This was work that others could and should be doing. The believers were called together and they chose seven suitable men - men who were known to obey Christ, the “Head” - men who were “full of the Spirit and wisdom”. (verses 2-5.) Men willing to take over duties in the Church. So, the apostles “prayed and placed their hands on them”. (verse 6.)
The Church was now working more like a healthy body. Different members efficiently were each getting on with their different jobs – obedient and pleasing to the “Head”, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:10. 3:23-24.)
A healthy part of the “body of Christ” is one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as SAVIOUR, and wants to live to please Him as LORD.
Are you such a person? If you are not, you should trust Jesus now for His forgiveness and power. You would then want to get together with other true parts of “the Body of Christ” to do what you can to help to serve your LORD Jesus Christ together. An active, willing member of a healthy body, for God’s glory. (Romans 12:4-5. Ephesians 4:15-32.)
Here’s what happened in that early Church when they each took their part: “the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” (verse 7.) Please God, may this happen here in these days!
Read Acts of the Apostles chapter 6, verses 1-7.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact: jnixonj@gmail.com
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