Can you remember times when, before you could even say a word, your face had already told everything? Perhaps it blushed when a question was asked, or looked guilty when you did something wrong. Your face says a lot! It can express joy, sadness, hate, love, fear, peace, and much more.
I wonder what your face would have shown if you had been Stephen in this account? Perhaps it would have been very different from his!
Stephen had been chosen to serve in the team looking after material needs in the Church. (Acts 6:2-6.) There was something else Stephen loved to do as well. He loved telling those outside the Church about his wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Every true Christian should want to help in the Church in whatever way they can (1stCorinthians 12:12-27.), and should also want to share with others the good news of Salvation. (Romans 1:14-17. Ephesians 6:19-20.)
You see, most people do not believe that God has given mankind only One Priest and Saviour - that is, His own Son, CHRIST JESUS. (1stJohn 4:14. Acts 4:12. 5:30-32.) Those who do believe this, and tell it to others, can often end up in trouble. (2ndTimothy 3:12-13. John 15:18¬-21. 16:33.) It certainly caused trouble for Stephen!
People who wanted to believe that they could save themselves by being religious “began to argue with Stephen”. (verse 9.) They wanted to defend their own priests and religion. “But they could not stand up against the wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.” (verse 10.)
“So, they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the Law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. (Jewish Council.) “They produced false witnesses” to tell lies about him. (verses 11-13.) “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw his face was like the face of an angel.” (verse 15.) An angel is a heavenly being who is a willing servant of God. (Hebrews 1:14.)
Even his enemies had to admit that his face shone like an angel’s face!
How would you have reacted to these religious people plotting against you with lies and deceit? What expression would your face have shown?
Here was Stephen, a human servant of God, who clearly was ready and willing to be God’s faithful messenger, even to this religious mob! Their behaviour had proved to him that they needed to know that it was only Jesus who could forgive them and make them pleasing to God. (1stPeter 3:18. Romans 3:21-26.)
Have you found Jesus Christ to be your only true Priest and Saviour? Are you eager to share the good news of Jesus with those who have different beliefs; even if it means mockery, rejection, and opposition? Jesus true followers are to be willing to suffer for Him! (Matthew 5:10-12. James 1:2-4. Acts 5:40-42.)
Read Acts chapter 6, verses 8-15.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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