In many countries when the president or monarch is “at home” a flag is put out to let the people know. God does not use a flag to indicate where He is present, but He has always given clear signs each time He changed His dwelling place. When God wanted to meet with His people in the days of Moses a pillar of cloud or fire indicated His presence in the Tabernacle.
But, the sin and wickedness of the people caused God to abandon meeting with His people in that building. Years later, when God came to meet with His people again He used “the star”, which “stopped over the place where the child (Jesus) was,” to point wise men to “the child, and they bowed down and worshipped Him.” (Matthew, 2:9-11.) Jesus was “God with us” in a body! (Matthew 1:23.)
During the short time God was with us in that body, He sacrificed Himself once and for all, on Calvary. Jesus did this to become the one and only Priest who could offer us forgiveness, and acceptance with God. (Hebrews 7:23-27. 1stTimothy 2:5-6.)
Do you trust Jesus as your one and only Priest? Many do not! They think some mere fellow man will be good enough instead, and so they miss the way to Heaven!
When Jesus’ work on earth to become our Priest was “finished”, He did not remain with us in that unique human body; nor was He to be with us in a building! He had a far better plan!
“When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly … they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there.” (verses 1-3.) God was indicating He was with His people again - but this time within each person who had believed and trusted in Jesus. (Romans 3:9-11.) “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” (verse 4.) Here was “God with us” in every believer!
They not only had the power of God to enable them to make the good news of Jesus plain in many foreign languages that day, but they also had the presence of God within each life to comfort and bless them.
The only people today to have this gift of God’s presence and power in their lives are those who have, in faith, trusted Jesus Himself to forgive and save them from their sins. Remember, the Holy Spirit is not a gift a church or religion can give, although many claim to be able to! Only GOD can give His Holy Spirit - His gift to those who believe and trust Jesus. (Acts 5:32.)
Have you received the genuine Holy Spirit that only God can give? or are you not interested?
Read about God’s Spirit coming to replace Jesus as the presence of God with His people in Acts chapter 2, verses 1-13.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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