This command of Jesus sounds like a strange thing to do, and it is not easy to carry out! – “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44.)
Ananias did not think it was a good idea, when he was asked by God to visit a man called Saul of Tarsus. Ananias answered, “Lord, many people have told me about this man and about all the terrible things he has done to Your people in Jerusalem. And he has come to Damascus with authority from the Chief Priests to arrest all who worship You.”
“The Lord said to him, ‘Go, because I have chosen him to serve Me.’” (verses 13-15.)
Was God choosing Saul of Tarsus to become a preacher and missionary?
God is free to choose, and He knows what is best. (Romans 9:10-18.)
God had stopped Saul on his way to Damascus by a blinding light from Heaven, and had offered him mercy, instead of judgment. Saul was told he could learn more about it if he went on into Damascus, and waited further instructions. (verses 3-6. Acts 22:10-11.)
Today, God still delays His day of judgment upon sinful mankind, and is not treating us the way we deserve right now. (Hebrews 9:27. Revelation 20:11-15.) If He did, not one of us would have any hope! (Romans 3:10-23. Psalm 130:3-4.) His kindness towards you is meant to lead you to repentance - to give you opportunity to turn from the wrong way, and to cause you to seek the Lord. (Romans 2:4. Isaiah 55:6-7.)
Saul did not disobey the vision he had from Heaven. (Acts 26:19.)
When Ananias went to him, he found him earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer.
“Brother Saul”, he said, “the Lord has sent me - Jesus Himself, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here.” (verse 17.)
As Ananias spoke a great change came over Saul - he now believed in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and he was “filled with the Holy Spirit” - and he was able to see again! (verses 17-19.) Saul had been changed, by believing and obeying God’s gospel. (2ndCorinthians 5:17.)
But not all who hear it believe it! (Romans 10:13-17) On the Judgment Day, those who are NOT saved will NOT be using the excuse: “God did not choose me!” Rather, they will agree that the Judge of all the earth does right. (Genesis 18:25. Philippians 2:9-11.) They will have to admit: “I am to be lost forever, because I would not believe in God’s offered kindness to me through Jesus Christ His Son.” (John 3:16-19, 36.)
YOU are free to choose. If you have not already done so, then God is urging you NOW to “turn, turn from your evil way! Why will you die?” (Ezekiel 33:11.) God is able, and willing to forgive and save all who will trust in Jesus as their Saviour. (Romans 10:8-13.)
Read Acts chapter 9, verses 10-19.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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