If you had toothache, but accidentally phoned the florist’s number you would get an answer, but you would not be on the right line to get help for your toothache!
Cornelius “was a captain in the Roman army regiment called ‘the Italian Regiment’” which was stationed in Israel. Although an outsider, Cornelius wanted to know and worship the God of Israel. “He and his whole family worshipped God”, in the same way that he saw others going about it. But he didn’t realize he was not on the “right line” to really know God, and to receive His answers. You see, not all so-called worship of God is acceptable to God! Some of it, God says, is useless. (Matthew 15:8-9.)
God saw that Cornelius and his family would really like to please Him. He had noted their “prayers and works of charity”. God was “ready to answer”, but could only answer them if they were willing to get in touch with Him on the “right line”. (John 14:6.) Cornelius must find the one and only way to God, and be willing to come to God that way. (1stTimothy 2:5-6.)
“It was about three o’clock one afternoon when he had a vision, … an angel of God came to him, ‘Cornelius!’ … ‘What is it sir?’ he asked. The angel answered, ‘… send some men to Joppa for … Simon Peter. He is the guest in the home of a tanner of leather named Simon, who lives by the sea.’” (verses 3-6.)
Cornelius really wanted to find, and know, the right way to God. He quickly “called two of his house servants and a soldier … He told them what had happened and sent them off to Joppa”. (verses 7-8.) It might take more than three days before Peter would be able get to them with God’s message. (Acts 10:30.)
It is much simpler for you to discover God’s message today. Are you eager to check your religion, and your behaviour, with what God has said in His Word, the Holy Bible? (Acts 17:11.) Be warned, it will show you how wrong and sinful you are, but it will also show you how the sinner can get on the right line with God. Peter explains it for us this way, “Christ Himself died for you; once and for all He died for sins, a good Man for bad men, in order to lead you to God. (1stPeter 3:18.)
To try to find and to worship God through other priests, or other channels, will only be rejected by God. (Acts 4:12. Hebrews 10:11-18.) The person whom God answers is the one who comes to God through Jesus as their only Priest. (Hebrews 7:23-27.)
Cornelius needed Jesus; AND SO DO YOU! Trust in Him today to save you. (Romans 10:13.)
Read about religious Cornelius sending off to find the right way to God in Acts chapter 10, verses 1-8.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact: jnixonj@gmail.com
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