Suppose you heard that someone had left you a great fortune. What would you do? I think you would want to be sure that what you heard was really true.
Today there is great news on this page that you should want to check up on - it is so unbelievable! The people of Berea certainly wanted to double check it.
Paul and Silas had not found Greece a very welcoming place. They were servants of the Most High God announcing how God had provided the way for mankind to be saved. (Acts 16:17. John 14:6.) Surely, they should have been well received. No! The good news of God’s salvation is not, and never was, popular or acceptable to self-righteous religious people! (Romans 1:32.)
Does the apostles message annoy YOU? Their message is: no one is acceptable to God; everyone needs Jesus Christ to be their Saviour. So, no religious person, or sacrament, can have any part in your salvation. (Acts 4:12. 13:37-39.) For anyone to be saved, he/she must want to turn away from sin, and ask Jesus in Heaven, by faith, for forgiveness and salvation. (Acts 10:42-43. 26:17-23.) God is ready and willing to save all who come to Him, through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. (Acts 5:29-32. Hebrews 7:24-27.)
In Berea, the people wanted to be sure that what they were hearing was true. Those who had come preaching to them had just escaped from a riot caused by their message in Thessalonica, the last town they had been in! (Acts 17:5-9.)
“The Bereans were of more noble character that the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness, and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (verse 11.) Checking carefully with the Holy Bible is the only way to be sure that something you’ve been told about God is really true. (2ndTimothy 3:15-17.)
“When the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the Word of God in Berea, they went there too, agitating the crowds and stirring them up.” (verse 13.) These evil, religious people, in their jealousy, wanted to be sure that nobody would upset or disturb their religion by teaching the true message of the Word of God! They were not willing to check up on their own religious teaching by carefully looking into the Holy Bible. ARE YOU?
Would you just want to be sure that nobody was going to disturb your religious beliefs, even if they could show you disagreed with the Word of God? Or would you want to be sure that everything you believe about God is what God wants you to believe, as clearly taught in His Holy Bible? (2ndPeter 1:19-21.)
To trust in Jesus Christ alone to be you Saviour is to obey God’s Word about salvation, and is the only way to be sure of having Eternal Life, and peace with God. (Romans 5:1-11. Matthew 7:21-27.)
Read Acts chapter 17, verses 10-15.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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