Family Bible

The Holy Bible - God's good news.

ACTS "talks."

Prompts and commentary as you read right through the Acts of the Apostles.

Bringing to you God's wonderful message as found in the Holy Bible.

"Good News Compage" 78.A.

based on

Acts chapter chapter 20:32-38.

(PLEASE READ THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE, and the following comments.)


Foolish, but true!

There are some Christian teachings that seem to put people off from taking Christianity seriously! Sayings and attitudes of Jesus, that seem so foolish and wrong to many people. Let us see what YOU think?

Some people make religion their life’s work, because they like to have power and influence to control others’ lives, and over their resources and wealth. That certainly was not why Paul devoted his life to serve his Lord Jesus Christ.

On this occasion Paul called the Christian leaders from Ephesus to meet him. He reminded them, “I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs, and the needs of my companions.” (verses 33-34.)

Night and day Paul had worked and preached to bring the “Gospel of God’s grace” to the people. (Acts 20:24-31.) The good news that God was able, and willing, to show free undeserved favour towards sinners, because of Jesus. (Ephesians 2:4-10.)

Was it not strange that Jesus Christ should have been willing to do so much for undeserving sinners? Jesus had given His life as a sacrifice, so as to be able to save undeserving sinners like you, and me, and Paul, from God’s justice and wrath. (Hebrews 7:24-27.)

Paul had been drawn by this great love and kindness of Christ for him. (1stJohn 4:19.) He had put his trust in Jesus to forgive him, and save him. Paul was now compelled by the love of Christ to work, and preach, unselfishly, not only in Ephesus, but wherever he went. (2ndCorinthians 7:14. 1stThessalonians 2:1-12.)

The true Christian today should also have that compelling desire to love and serve their Lord Jesus Christ, by living to please God day by day. (Titus 2:11-14. Colossians 3:23-24.)

Paul’s life had been a good example to those in Ephesus. He was able to say to those leaders, “I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (verse 35.)

This was something Paul had proved to be true, as he gave his time and his energy to freely help others to come to know and trust Jesus.

Paul reflected Jesus’ attitude and action. Jesus had come “to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many!” (Mark 10:42-45.) Jesus, and Paul, and Christians down through the ages have proved that this mindset may seem foolish, but true! Every born-again Christian rejoices in the truth that Jesus came to GIVE forgiveness and grace, to us who had nothing to give to Him but our sins!

Don’t think that is foolish, that is true! Those who refuse to believe that only Jesus can save them, are LOST from God. Don’t dismiss the words of Jesus as foolishness! (1stCorinthians 1:18-25. 2:14.) Only Priest Jesus can save you! (Acts 4:12.) That’s not FOOLISH – that’s TRUE!

Read Acts chapter 20, verses 32-38.

John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98.        Contact:  jnixonj@gmail.com

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