Here are a few songs
for you to enjoy or/and use for Christmas.
SONG - Long time ago in Bethlehem
Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible says,
Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ, was born to heavenly praise.
Hark now hear the angels sing, a new King born today.
And man can now have peace with God,
Glory to God on High.
Trumpets sound and angels sing, listen to what they say.
That man can now have peace with God,
Glory to God on High.
While shepherds watched their flocks one night,
Suddenly God's angel came,
To announce a Saviour had been born,
'Christ the Lord' was His great name.
The shepherds went to find the child
In a humble stable stall.
And there laid upon a manger 'bed',
Was the Saviour for us all.
How could this child of virgin birth,
Save us from the curse of sin?
He, God's Son, would die upon a cross,
Taking all our curse upon Him.
So you can have the 'peace' with God
That the angel hosts made known:
Forgiveness of sin through faith in Christ,
Who is now seated on God's throne.
Original words by Harry Belafonte.
Wording adjusted by John Nixon to be more in keeping with what 'the Holy Bible says'
also the inclusion of another verse.
SONG - Glory to God
WORDS by John Nixon. To the tune of 'Joy to the world.(Antioch) by George Frederick Handel.
Glory to God filled Bethlehem's skies
As messengers from Heaven
Announced a promised virgin birth
A Saviour had been born on earth;
He's Jesus Christ the Lord
He is Jesus Christ the Lord
He is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God.
Glory to God in highest Heaven
And on the earth His peace.
Now sinful man can grace receive,
If he will God's good news believe:
God's Saviour for mankind
God's Saviour for mankind
Is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God.
A song by John Nixon set to the tune “Mueller” for “Away in a manger”.
A wonderful myst’ry!
A sign from the Lord!
Impossible promise, revealed in His Word!
A virgin will conceive and she’ll have a Child!
Through Him God and sinners will be reconciled!
A wonderful Title!
His name means “God with us” –
He loves us so well!
To come to our rescue our nature He shared.
But Jesus went further to show how He cared!
A wonderful Saviour!
Christ prov'd His great love!
The cross His objective; He came from above!
To satisfy Justice He died in our place!
Now lives to forgive all who trust in His grace!
Don't forget about Christ on His 'birthday'!
Don't let someone else take His place!
Let's remember that God is the 'Giver';
And Christ is the 'Gift' of His grace!
You must trust the true message of Christmas!
Christ brought peace with God for the earth.
Angels proclaimed God's Son as the Saviour,
As they announced His virgin birth.
Many want to have Christmas without Christ!
Some even put 'X' for His name!
Yet an 'X' as a 'cross' can remind us,
Christ died for our sins in great shame.
Christ arose and He went back to Heaven
To prepare a wonderful place,
Only those who will trust Him as Saviour
Go there; all because of His grace!
So to celebrate Christ as we ought to
Accept the free gift of His grace!
Trust Jesus alone for forgiveness,
And let no one else take His place!
WORDS & TUNE by John Nixon.