It is good to see people get concerned about the needs of the genuinely poor and deprived. Christians have often shown a good example in wanting to help under-privileged people. But when a religious leader, who is involved in helping the poor, is discovered to be using the funds for himself it dishonours God and man.
Here is the true short story of a religious leader who was out to try to rob the poor, and rob God! Please listen and you will be surprised at who's robbing God today! (Malachi 3:8.)
During a dinner in honour of Jesus, a woman called Mary expressed her love and appreciation of Him in a beautiful way. While Jesus reclined at the table she generously and unselfishly bathed His feet with a very expensive perfume, and wiped them with her hair. (verses 2-3)
"But one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray Him, objected, 'Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages.' He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it." (verses 4-6)
This religious man was quite prepared to rob from that which would be given for the poor. But he was also wanting to rob Jesus Christ, the Son of God, of the honour and devotion that was due to Him. (Mark 12:28-31.)
Before we would say too much about Judas' wicked heart let us look at who's robbing God today, and make sure you or I don't have to confess, "I'm robbing God too!"
There is, of course, only one true God, yet many people, by praying to other persons, are robbing God of the honour and glory that is due to Him alone! (Isaiah 42:8. Exodus 20:3-6.)
God "sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world." (1st John 4:14.) Yet many people seek forgiveness and acceptance with God by trusting in priests and sacraments, or calling someone else their "most gracious advocate", instead of Jesus. They will not get away with robbing God of His grace and mercy in this way! (John 1:10-18. 1st Timothy 2:5-6.)
God has given us His Word, the Holy Bible, to guide and teach us. (2nd Timothy 3:15-17.) When people despise the Bible, and prefer the words of men or religion, they will have to answer for having robbed God of having all wisdom and knowledge! (John 12:48.)
Make sure you are giving God the glory and honour that is due to Him as the great God and Saviour. Jesus sees and knows our hearts. (1st Samuel 16:7. John 2:25.)
Jesus knew Mary was genuine in her expression of love and trust in Him as He was about to die for all our sins. (1st Peter 3:18.)
"Leave her alone," He said to Judas. "It was meant that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial." (verses 7.)
Read of Judas trying to rob God in John 12, verses 1-8.
John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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