Jesus said:
1*. First let me explain all the colours
And then you can give your reply.
To-day you can find out for certain
Where you'll go as soon as you die.
2*. The gold can remind you of God's home.
In Heaven the streets are pure gold!
God's purer than gold! He is holy!
He must punish sin you are told.
3*. No darkness will be found in Heaven.
So this could remind you of sin!
Sin will never be found in Heaven!
None with sin will ever get in!
4*. How can God invite you to Heaven?
No sinner deserves to get in!
God in love provided the answer
– A wonderful SAVIOUR from sin!
5*. This Saviour, God's Son, the Lord Jesus,
Was sent down from Heaven, that He
For your sins would go and be punished
By God upon Mount Calvary.
6*. Red speaks of the blood shed by Jesus.
Just once was His sacrifice made.
He died; then He rose to be Saviour!
The price for your sin He had paid!
7*. You'll be clean and ready for Heaven,
If you will trust Jesus today!
Only JESUS can forgive your sins!
Don't think there is some other way!
8*. So, God can invite you to Heaven!
Trust Jesus, and His child become,
Then you will receive God the Spirit,
Your Friend and Guide all the way Home!
9*. You'll grow more like God by His Spirit.
And green could remind you of growth.
To grow, heed God's Word and pray to Him.
True Christians will want to do both.
But, if you want to turn away from your sins,
and are willing
to believe that Jesus is the only One who can forgive your sins,
then you would seem to be ready to accept God's free offer!
If you are,
you should thank God for making His offer possible
through the sacrifice of His Son,
and ask Him now,
by faith in Jesus' name,
for the forgiveness of your sins.
That is how simple it is to accept God's invitation to be received into His family,
and made ready for Heaven!
But don't put off doing it!
Here are some verses from the Acts of the Apostles in the Holy Bible you should check up for yourself:
4:12. 10:42-43. 16:31-34. 20:21. 26:18.
In order to browse an Index of 140 titles of stories from Luke's Gospel check out the review index.