From this true war story you and I can learn a very important lesson about how to have success and victory in our lives today.
For forty days there was war between the two sides in the desert. On the defending side it was the Lord Jesus, and attacking Him was the Devil. "Jesus ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them was hungry."
A person weakened by hunger or sickness is usually easier to tempt to do and to think wrong things. Jesus was at the limit of human weakness by this time. The Devil thought he could now get Jesus to obey him!
"If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread," he ordered. He seemed to be suggesting that the true Son of God should not have to suffer hunger or be deprived in any way.
When Christians today experience the hardships of life the Devil is also quick to tempt them. He often will raise questions and doubts like these; "If you are a son of God you shouldn't be hungry, or unemployed, or depressed, or sick. Why wouldn't God, if He's good, just do a miracle to put things right?" Let us see how Jesus answered the Devil. "It is written, `Man does not live on bread alone," He said.
You see, the secret of a worthwhile life is not in having enough bread, or even in having a perfectly sound body and mind, or having a secure position in life. Matthew tells us Jesus went on to say, "Man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
The true Christian, like everyone else, will experience the difficulties and trials of this life on earth. But there is this great difference - he has something better than food to keep him going on; he has "been born again ...through the living and enduring Word of God!
A person is born again by obeying the Word of God when it states that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour for sinners.
It is the Word of God that teaches the person who has believed in Jesus as Saviour to be able to say, "I'm justified! - God now sees me JUST as IF I'ED never sinned!"
The Word of God also brings comfort, strength and assurance from God into every situation of life.
Just as a newborn baby desires milk, so the true Christian will desire to be fed on the Word of God to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of his Lord and Saviour."
As the true Christian reads and studies the Word of God, the Holy Bible, he gets to know more and more of the love and the mind of God. His trust and confidence in God's wisdom and power grows stronger.
Having the Word of God in our minds and hearts makes us well able to cope with the difficulties of life and makes us strong to resist the Devil.
Read how Jesus used His knowledge of the Word of God to resist the Devil in Luke chapter 4, verses 1-4.
Bye for now,
John Nixon, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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Bible quotations from N.I.V.
1 Luke 4:1-2.
2 Luke 4:4.
3 Matthew 4:4.
4 1st Peter 1:23. John 3:3,7.
5 Acts 4:12. 1st John 4:14.
6Romans 5:1-10.
7 Psalm 19:7-11.
8 1st Peter 2;2. 2nd Peter 3:18.
9 Proverbs 3:5-7.
10 Psalm 119:9-12.