The future
How would you like to have a friend who really could tell the
future? I have a Friend who can! Long ago He told about things that
are happening in these days and things that are soon to happen!
Of course, my Friend, the future
teller , is the Lord Jesus Christ! All His amazing forecasts
are given for all to read in the Holy Bible.
One day when some of Jesus' disciples commented to Him about the
beautiful temple in Jerusalem, He replied, "As for what you see
here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on
another; every one of them will be thrown down."
"Teacher," they asked, "when will these things happen? And what
will be the sign that they are about to take place?" 1*.
Jesus told them about many future worldwide events that would take
place when the Kingdom of God was near! 2*. Then He told them of things that were to
happen to the Jews, their country and their temple "before all
this" 3*. "When you
see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its
desolation is near." 4*.
Some of those disciples lived to see Jerusalem surrounded and
destroyed, and the beautiful temple completely ruined by the Roman
armies in 70 AD. Following on from that for nearly 1900 years
Jesus' further words of prophecy about the Jews came true. He had
told them, "They will fall by the sword and will be taken as
prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the
Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."
Jerusalem was indeed "trampled on" by non-Jewish nations;
UNTIL 1948. And it wasn't until 1967 that Jerusalem came
under Jewish control again. It certainly seems that we are living
in the days that Jesus said would announce His coming kingdom! It
is a foolish person who ignores the words of Jesus! 6*.
Signs Jesus told us about nearly 2000 years ago are happening
in our day!
Man's efforts to control the world and to save himself have proved
hopeless. Today, warring nations, uncontrollable diseases and
terrible natural disasters continue to terrify our world - just as
Jesus said it would be! Time is running out! God's warning signs
show that we have very little time left!
"Prepare to meet your God!" 7*.
Are you ready for the promised return of the Lord Jesus Christ? He
is coming again "to bring salvation to those who are waiting for
Him"? 8*. He is NOT
returning to offer again to save people from their sin!
The first time He came He died for our sin and rose again in
order to offer to save all who would call upon Him and truly trust
Him as Saviour. 9*.
But when He returns it will be as King of kings and Lord of
lords. All who have trusted Him as Lord and Saviour BEFORE
He returnsHe will take to be with Him in His kingdom forever.
But all who continue to reject Him as their Lord and Saviour until
He returns He will punish, AND CONDEMN FOREVER. 10*.
Read some of the future teller's signs in Luke chapter 21, verses
Bye for now,
John Nixon, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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Bible quotations from
1 Luke 21:6-7.
2 See Luke 21:28, 31.
3 Luke 21:12 f. 4 Luke 21:20. 5 Luke 21:24. 6 Matthew 7:24-27. 7 Amos 4:12. 8 Hebrews 9:28. Jude 14-21. 9 Romans 3:20-26. Acts 13:38-39. Mark 16:15-16.
10 Luke 21:20-24.
Matthew 25:41.