There are many things in life that we plan ahead for -
holidays, exams, marriage, etc., but have you been planning ahead
for the most important, and most sure event of all? Eternity!
Warnings from God such as, "Prepare to meet your God"!
1*. and "You also
must be ready." 2*.
show us that God intends us to plan and prepare for our eternity.
3*.Yet most people
are far more interested in having correct plans for their work and
pleasures rather than for their eternity!
Jesus told this story to teach us the wisdom of being prepared for eternity.
The manager of a rich man was doing very well for himself,
but he was found to be wasting his employers possessions. The
employer asked him, "'What is this I hear about you? Give an
account of your management, because you cannot be manager any
longer.' The manager said to himself, `What shall I do now? My
master is taking away my job… - I know what I'll do so that, when I
lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.'"
Because he had been warned that his job was soon to end this
manager immediately began to plan for his future.
God has given to you and me plenty of warning that our lives are
not going to continue as they are now. Each one of us will either
spend eternal Life with God in Heaven or eternal punishment and
torment away from His presence in Hell! 5*. It is worthwhile being prepared for eternity!
The manager' plan was to do something that would win the respect of
some of his master's rich customers before he lost his job. "So he
called in each one of his master's debtors. He asked, `How much do
you owe my master?' Then he greatly reduced the bill each one had.
6*. In this way he
used his personal wealth to make many friends for the future!
Here is the lesson Jesus said we could learn from this man: "I tell
you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that
when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings."
Not all people have the same riches or possessions or abilities in
life, but the important thing is what do you do with those things
you have been entrusted with? Jesus said, "Whoever can be trusted
with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is
dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much".
In this life many choose to make riches their life's ambition! The
true Christian should have a far greater purpose in life! Jesus
said; "You cannot serve both God and Money." 9*. Every true Christian should want to
use whatever God has given to him or her - their money, or gifts,
or talents, or possessions - to make friends for eternity!
7*. They should want
to use every means they can to share the good news with others that
Eternal Life is the gift of God received by faith in Jesus Christ
alone. In doing this they are helping others to be rightly
prepared for eternity; and they are
storing up treasure for themselves in Heaven. 10*.
Read what Jesus said about these things in Luke chapter 16, verses
Bye for now,
John Nixon, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98. Contact:
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1 Amos 4:12.
2 Matthew 24:44-51.
3 Hebrews 9:27. Revelation
4 Luke 16:2-4.
5 John 14:1-6. & Matthew
25:34, 41, 46.
6 Luke 16:5-7.
7 Luke 16:9.
8 See Luke 16:10-12.
9 Luke 16:13.
10 Matthew 28:18-20.
6:19-21. Acts 26:17-18.
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